We make every effort to ensure that BEE INVEST INTERNATIONAL A/S. is a safe workplace. We continuously enhance the systems and procedures put in place to improve work safety and protect employee health, and our goal is zero accidents in the workplace.
- We are all responsible for our own safety and the safety of our fellow team members.
- We continuously improve our performance in the area of work safety and occupational health in accordance with applicable laws and standards, internal regulations and our best knowledge.
- We constantly enhance the methods employed to detect hazards and prevent accidents at work and occupational illnesses.
- We raise employee qualifications with regard to health and safety at work, and promote staff commitment to initiatives aimed at improving working conditions.
- We clearly communicate our policies and performance in the area of work safety and occupational health, both to employees and the general public.
- In situations of danger, our utmost priority is to save lives.
- We are committed to unwavering compliance with the regulations, rules and standards applicable to any given job position.
- We protect our own lives and health by using the appropriate personal protection equipment, clothes and footwear, as required for a given job position by internal regulations.
- We are conversant with the use of personal protection items, keeping up to date with the knowledge concerning their application and manner of use.
- We always use the right tools, in accordance with their intended purpose.
- While working, we never consume alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances, and we never arrive at work under their influence.
- We abide by the standards of quality of products and services that we produce.
- We report to the relevant persons any breach of health and safety regulations, as well as any accident, injury, illness or uncontrolled release of hazardous substances into the environment.
- In the event of danger, we always warn persons found in the potentially affected area
Communication between our employees should be based on the exchange of reliable and relevant information, necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the organization. We firmly believe that open and honest communication helps foster good relations with stakeholders, thereby enhancing the Company’s competitive advantage and value.
- We keep employees abreast of BEE INVEST’s current strategies, plans and goals.
- As superiors, we update employees on any planned changes affecting their present and future careers in the organization.
- We provide our subordinates with relevant information on their performance, clarify and explain reasons for our decisions, and point out areas for improvement.
- Our opinions on the way the Company is managed must have a solid factual basis. We provide managers with suggestions on how to improve the Company’s internal processes and promote its growth.
- A manager has a duty to:
- address doubts an employee may have regarding the organization’s functioning or, if unable to do so, refer the employee to a competent person who may offer satisfactory answers,
- explain any changes in the internal rules and regulations relevant to the employee’s job,
• initiate interaction between different organizational units
Equal opportunities employment, promotion, career and qualification enhancement and responsibility for subordinates
At BEE INVEST, we strive to inspire a culture based on trust, equal opportunities and fair treatment of all employees regardless of their sex, age, job position, length of employment, trade union membership, religion, nationality, beliefs, physical appearance or sexual orientation. We offer employment to the disabled, providing them with adequate working conditions and career opportunities, while seeking to remove all social barriers and promote their integration with other employees. The rules governing employee recruitment, promotion, development, evaluation, remuneration and bonus schemes are straightforward, transparent and fair.
- We abide by the rules governing employee recruitment, promotion, development and qualification enhancement.
- We evaluate the work of our colleagues and subordinates on the basis of merit.
- We are open to and carefully consider any feedback we may receive on the quality of our work.
- As managers, we support all qualification enhancement efforts of our subordinates.
- We engage in open and constructive dialogue regarding our performance and ways to reward our achievements.
- We counteract all forms of discrimination.
- We develop and implement rules facilitating employment of the disabled.
Employee conduct outside the workplace and working hours
Our conduct outside the workplace remains a private matter, not to be interfered with by BEE INVEST INTERNATIONAL. It must not, however, compromise workplace safety, our ability to meet work-related obligations or the Company’s reputation.
- We acknowledge that our opinions expressed outside the workplace or working hours may be interpreted as BEE INVEST’s official position.
- When commenting on anything related to BEE INVEST outside the workplace or working hours, we must either present the official position of the Company or make it very clear that our opinion is a private one.
- We protect the Company’s good name and represent it with integrity and discretion, ensuring that our attitudes and conduct outside the workplace or working hours are always appropriate.
Misuse of Company time, property and equipment
It is our duty to promote the Company’s welfare and growth. Showing respect for the Company’s property, using equipment as intended and spending time at work productively is what makes an honest employee.
- We refrain from using the Company’s property (including but not limited to phones, fax machines, copiers, other pieces of equipment or machinery, merchandise, and company vehicles) for purposes unrelated to our job, unless separate internal regulations provide otherwise.
- We refrain from attending to private business during working hours.
- We refrain from using expense accounts for non-business purposes.
The practice of offering and receiving gifts is acceptable in business if it serves the purpose of building good, sincere relations with commercial partners. However, the pillars of BEE INVEST’s cooperation with customers and business partners are the quality of our products and services, as well as high standards of professionalism in relations with the external stakeholders. We refuse to approve of anything, including financial gratification, gifts and complimentary services, which may affect the objectivity of our business decisions.
- We are only allowed to accept low-value gifts (the value cap defined in the PIT Act should be used as a reference), provided they do not affect the way we perform our duties or influence our decisions and do not obligate reciprocity, or if they are promotional items presented officially or publicly (for instance during a formal event).
- We refrain from offering benefits to our business partners other than customary gifts, including promotional or other low-value items (the value cap defined in the PIT Act should be used as a reference).
- We refrain from attending entertainment events and informal meetings hosted by our commercial partners if this could affect our objectivity in making business decisions relating to such partners.
- At the Company, we receive delegations of public authorities, business partners, and potential business partners. This is permitted to advance and present the advantages of using BEE INVEST’s products and technologies, provided this entails no attempt to influence any decisions with a promise of personal gain.
- If in doubt whether to offer or accept a gift, follow the internal regulations in place at the Company or, failing that, consult your immediate superior or the Ethics Committee.
At BEE INVEST, we exercise the utmost care to protect information that we, as employees, deal with when performing our day-to-day duties, including personal data of the Company’s employees and associates. We collect such data only on an “as needed” basis – to the extent necessary for the proper operation of the Company. We take particular precautions when dealing with information protected by law, the Company’s internal regulations, or relevant clauses of agreements with the Company’s business partners.
- As part of our professional duties, we only collect information required for the carrying out of those duties and thus for the Company’s operation.
- We apply special security measures when storing such information.
- We take care to ensure security of information pertaining to the Company, its employees and cooperating partners.
- We respect intellectual property, for instance we never copy or use third-party proprietary materials without the author’s consent.
- An employee has the right to:
- access to information about himself/herself that is collected and stored by the Company,
- inspect his or her employee record.
At BEE INVEST, we comply with the laws and regulations which govern the keeping of accounting records, filing of invoices, and maintaining clarity and transparency of settlements so they reflect the underlying transactions and use of resources by the Company in a detailed and accurate manner. Those of us who have access to financial and accounting data in connection with their professional duties and use such data in their everyday work are required to exercise particular care to ensure the accuracy of financial and accounting records.
- We do not withhold information on transaction balances.
- We do not create undisclosed or unregistered funds or accounts for any purpose.
- We do not make false entries in accounting records and we do not publish deliberately misleading data in our reports.
- We accept and pay only verified invoices, accurately reflecting the underlying transactions.
Respect for employee dignity and friendly working conditions
In order to ensure a friendly work environment at BEE INVEST we have adopted
basic principles of cooperation based on honesty, respect in everyday relations, dialogue, teamwork and commitment to creating a culture reflecting our Core Values.
- We foster a work environment underpinned by integrity, mutual respect, tolerance and cooperation.
- We reject all forms of discrimination and bullying, including harassment, intimidation and humiliation, and we are strongly committed to counteracting such behaviour.
- We oppose all forms of sexual harassment, and we are strongly committed to counteracting them.
- We do not accept offensive behaviour or comments.
We never take advantage of our position within the Company to achieve personal gains.
- We never give contradictory instructions, and if we receive such instructions we may refuse to act on them, until they are fully clarified by superiors.
- We only accept instructions consistent with the remit assigned to our job position.
- If we receive an unclear instruction, we have the right to receive additional clarification as to what is expected of us.
- As managers, we never give instructions in breach of the law or such that would require employees to overstep their remit.
The management staff are obliged to foster a good atmosphere in the workplace, in particular by:
- treating employees as individuals and partners,
- paying attention to any issues and concerns brought up by employees, making sure that there is a suitable place and ample time to discuss them,
- supporting their subordinates through any difficulties, when they may need special help,
- doing their best to ensure that all tasks connected with the departure of an employee are performed with due regard to ensuring ethical conduct towards the departing employee.